如果你刚刚开始水处理, 你可能认为软水器是最容易卖出去的. 毕竟, hard water is something your customers can see on their shower doors and feel on their skin, 头发, 和衣服.

But hard water isn’t the only issue that will get you in the door. Increasingly, homeowners are concerned about water safety as well as bad tastes and smells. If they’re buying bottled drinking water or using a filtration pitcher in their fridge, 他们担心水质.

当你销售和安装反渗透系统, you show your customers you care about their safety and their health.

4 Reasons Why Now is the Time to Sell Reverse Osmosis

城市基础设施老化; It’s no secret that America’s aging water infrastructure is overdue for repair. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers’ 2021 U.S. 基础设施的成绩单,美国得到了一个 C-等级 因为它的饮用水系统.

Much of our country’s water infrastructure is nearing the end of its useful life. Cracked and aging pipes pose a health risk, allowing contaminants into the water they carry. +, many communities across the country still have lead water lines – leaching lead into home drinking water.

It’s a massive problem and homeowners are growing increasingly concerned about the quality and safety of their municipal water supply. Reverse osmosis systems remove lead and other harmful contaminants – providing health benefits and a valuable sense of security right at the kitchen faucet.

环境问题加剧: 瓶装水对环境的影响是 3500倍 而不是自来水. That’s according to new research from the Barcelona Institute for Global 健康.

Bottled water uses fossil fuels and causes pollution. 地球政策研究所报告说 1700万桶石油 are required to produce the plastic to meet the annual bottled water demand in the US. (That’s enough to fuel more than 1 million cars for a year.)另外,根据环保署的说法, 只有30% 美国使用的塑料瓶中有一半是回收的.

These issues are of growing importance to today’s consumer, particularly Millennial homeowners. Many see installing a reverse osmosis system as a way to get high quality drinking water while reducing their environmental footprint.

大流行后的家装趋势: The pandemic sparked a sustained interest in home improvement projects. 因为人们花更多的时间在家里, they want to improve their space – and that includes water quality.

Homeowners are thinking more about water quality now that they’re working from home all day. They’re used to the fresh-tasting water available in their workplace, 现在他们希望家里的水也能有同样的质量.

政府基础设施项目: Multiple initiatives are underway aimed at improving water infrastructure in the US. While $50 billion has been allocated to repairing and replacing large scale water delivery systems, additional resources may target individual homeowners in rural areas not served by municipal water supplies.

例如,今年4月,美国央行(u.s. corp .)宣布.S. 森. 塔米·鲍德温(D-WI), introduced the 健康y Drinking 水 Affordability Act, 也被称为健康水法案, 在国会. 如果得到批准, the act would authorize a new grant program at the United States Department of Agriculture to cover costs of water quality testing and the purchase, 安装, 以及家庭水过滤系统的维护. Funding would go directly to individuals, as well as non-profits and local governments.

With political support behind healthy drinking water initiatives, 你可以期待公众意识的增强. Now is the time to get ahead of the market and develop your install plans for reverse osmosis and other water treatment equipment.


  • Market annual water testing to all your well water customers. Well owners should be testing their water annually to ensure it’s safe, but the testing process is not convenient for the average homeowner. An annual well water testing program provides a great reason to stay in front of your customer – and to discover new opportunities to protect their home water quality.
  • Talk about the cost benefits of reverse osmosis over bottled water. People think bottled water is an inexpensive solution, 但随着时间的推移,反渗透系统可以节省资金. Assuming they buy the cheapest store-brand variety of bottled water, 他们大量购买, 他们仍然支付大约1美元.每加仑10美元. Compare that to the pennies it costs to get a gallon of quality drinking water from a reverse osmosis system.
  • Educate consumers on the limitations of pitcher filters and in-fridge filtration units. While those simple carbon filters can remove chlorine and other unpleasant tastes and odors, 他们不能保证水的安全. 它们不能去除铅, 硝酸盐, 微生物, and a host of other potentially harmful contaminants.

People want quality drinking water, and reverse osmosis systems provide it. 从销售的角度来看, selling reverse osmosis is an opportunity to connect with people around core values – including health and safety, 方便, 可持续性, 国内经济.

Installing reverse osmosis systems isn’t complicated, particularly for existing plumbing or well water professionals. 水权 systems come with clear install instructions. 如果你遇到了不寻常的问题, our technical support team is always just a phone call away to coach you through.

了解更多关于如何水权 支持合作伙伴. And talk to us about adding water treatment solutions to your business.




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如果你刚刚开始水处理, 你可能认为软水器是最容易卖出去的. 毕竟, hard water is something your customers can see on their shower ...